Sunday, July 12, 2015

This was more of a steal than a haul

My local Wal-Mart had Rimmel's recently released in the US Keep Calm and Lip Balm lip balms. I saw these when I was in the UK. I had my eye on them, but didn't get any because lip balm wasn't a priority buy when I went completely mental in Boots. 

I saw these for the first time a few weeks ago and I wanted them all! But at $2.50 each I couldn't justify buying the whole collection in one go. I settled for Keep Calm and Kiss.

Yesterday I took a peek at Rimmel at my local Wal-Mart and could not believe these were signed at 40¢! What?! After I scanned them I went back and got one more of each! I only picked up Keep Calm and Kiss, Keep Calm and Play and Keep Calm and Party because they were more eye catching than the others. 


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