Sunday, June 21, 2015

Airplanes In The Night Sky

When I take my dogs out at night I find myself staring up at the night sky. At the stars and airplanes. I wonder where the airplanes are going. I wonder if any are on their way to London. Take me to London. I want to go back. Take me away from this cesspool and the monotonous series of insignificant events I call my life. Tonight there was a large, glittering star. Hanging up there "like a diamond in the sky". In an instant childhood rhymes and songs resurfaced. A little moment of nostalgia. And I made a wish. I may be jaded and pessimistic about the world, but I still have a particle of hope and wonder that still allows me to make wishes and believe that good does exist in the world. I wonder if he sees my star too. I wonder if he makes wishes. I wonder what he wished for. I can't tell you what I wish for; they say if you tell it won't come true; I don't wish and tell. I stood there thinking that under the same sky my star shines for us as he gets up to begin his Monday and I crawl into my uncomfortable bed to end my Sunday.

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