Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Craft fail

This happens a lot. I see a project, whether it be on TV or YouTube and decide I want to give it a try.

This time I saw some diy room decor ideas. The vlogger made everything look so easy with a cute end product.

I tired to make her trinket bowls and animal mason jars. The bowls were an epic fail. I really didn't want to buy any more paint so at first I tried to paint basic, glazed cereal bowls with acrylic paint, not considering the fact that acrylic paint won't stick to the glazed surface. So I tired again with spray paint. It worked but I sorta messed up. Some bits came out thicker than others, and when I peeled off the tape the paint came off with it. 👏

The mason jar actually came out cute. I will try to do a few more. Will post the finished product later.

Can't win 'em all.

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